Saturday, July 7, 2012

What's New Goo...?

So what's new in the world of Social Media? 
Loaded question...
There's something new every second in the cyber world of media, sales, connecting, technology... But today it's a helpful App from Google Analytics~

Google Analytics Launches a New Mobile App: Google Analytics has a new set of reports in beta called Mobile App Analytics that help marketers and developers better measure their mobile apps.

google analytics mobile app reports
Google: "Understand how mobile impacts your site and how it drives business to you. Measure mobile websites, mobile apps and visits from web-enabled mobile devices, including both high-end and basic phones. Measure ads that lead people to use your app and find out whether they prefer ads on their desktop or mobile. You’ll then be setup to create targeted and efficient marketing campaigns that reach your visitors wherever they are"

You can use Google Analytics to track traffic to your regular website that comes from high-end mobile devices like iPhones, Android devices, and the Palm Pre. All traffic from high-end mobile devices can be viewed by device or carrier under the 'Visitors' section in the 'Mobile' tab of your Analytics account, or in the 'Mobile advanced' section. 

So log on to your Google account and check out this App and more from Google Analytics