Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Take Comfort in Writing...

Do you have something to say? Do you have the opportunity to say it to everyone you need it to be heard by?
If not, like most of us the opportunities aren’t a daily happenstance.  We have to make opportunities to be heard and most of that time is going to be by using our words in a published manor.  If you have been told you speak well, congratulations that’s a valuable portion of the skill set you can take advantage of when writing your thoughts, needs, stories, value down in an article format.
Every day our skills, products and servicwritinges are seen in the form of reports, posts, proposals, blogs, guidelines, social media updates, texts, memoir notes, thank you notes, emails, ads and more.  We live in an era where the written word is around us 24/7 and it can make or break a business.  Knowing this that on average we will write more than 35,000 words in a year – we all need to brush up on this skill set and learn how to become a better writer, the kind of writer that gets results…
  • First before you start writing (anything), ask yourself: Why am I writing? You need to have a purpose so that the outcome becomes the solution to the reason.  If you are writing to thank someone for a meeting you had, to motivate, or even to change a company policy your writing needs to be clear and bring value.
  • Next when writing gauge the length need. The acronym K.I.S.S. is a very good rule to live by for majority of our writing needs.  Twitter has schooled a lot of us in the art form of getting a point across in 140 characters or less & even then if you can get it to around 100 you will have a 17% higher engagement rate. Why? Because humans are in a hurry and our attention spans are very short.
  • There will be many occasions that we need to write without brevity. In these cases, first write like you talk don’t worry about the punctuation, sentence structure or flow.  You want to get your thoughts out on paper first then restate your purpose before quality checking, shortening, changing your words.  Ask yourself: What is the reason you are writing? What should it accomplish – what is to be taken away by the reader? What is the conclusion – what should happen after it is read?  Tip: if you are selling something there should be a call to action included.
  • Where ever you are be there! This goes for writing too – make sure your surroundings will inspire your thought process. If you are stressed or in a location where focus is a struggle the results of your writing will show your frame of mind.
  • Plan the time and set limits. Did you know the first four hours of your day are when we are at our most creative?  If you are writing for an important purpose don’t select the time based on leftovers.
  • Choose by choose wisely – (great movie) but also words to write by. If you want your articles read, acted on and also shared don’t be repetitive. Use a thesaurus or buy a book of creative ways to use words; (Words that Sell – Richard Bayan, Phrases that Sell – Edward Werz)
  • When writing key thing to ask yourself, ‘will this appeal to more than me?’ An accountant likes numbers and thinks differently than a gift retail shop owner. But, both need to communicate with each other because they both use each other’s services.  So when writing you have to channel your audience and what would appeal to them when they read your written verbiage.
  • Email can be attributed to the fall of Rome. Not literally but definitely an applicable phrase in the twenty-first century. Clear & decisive with an open ended prompt will get you more effective and successful results. Save the three+ page montage for your book or thesis.
  • Prior to publishing or sending out say it out loud. Does it sound bizarre like it was written by a transformer? Do you struggle over excessively long sentences? To catch typos, duplicate words or run on sentences during your final proofing read the last paragraph first and work your way back to the first sentence.  Our brains are skilled to be able to read misprinted sentences as long as the first and last letters are correct, so changing the direction you proof in will help you see the writing before the story.
  • End all things with a gift. Inside of every written need, every text, tweet or article you have the ability to make a positive moment in another person’s world. Don’t miss an opportunity to be an affirmative force increasing the beauty in the world.
Keep these tips in mind when writing and whether or not it is perfection, your intent will cut through bringing you remarkable results.

Results by you....

Ok, let’s take a moment and get real!  How many of you are:
  • Members of a professional group
  • Have an advertisement running somewhere
  • Or started up a blog or newsletter
Yes, if you’re reading this blog 99% of you can answer yes to one or all of those questions.  Now, how many of you are not happy with the ‘results’?
I’m guessing over 78% of you can say you’re not happy with the results to one or more of those questions.
So here’s where I am going to get real with you and ask the question that those that accept accountability will ask, “What are you not doing?”.  For a good many the thought process is to throw the blame for lack of results in the opposite direction.  But, if we are truthful and take accountability in our actions or lack of we’ll start to see real results in our endeavors.
Take the first one; Member of a professional group.  If it is not working for you can you honestly say you are giving it due time to work the opportunities available?  Do you even know all the opportunities or are you waiting for someone to point them out? Are you devoting time to prepare prior to the meeting? Are you asking for support in a way that others can assist easily?  Remember even in asking for referrals or support from a professional team you need to meet them over half way by first making your ‘ask’ very specific and then by ‘following up’.
Take the second one; Have an advertisement running? Ask yourself is what you are offering have a juicy call to action or bland? Are you giving them something that you already offer to the masses or making each marketing venue’s offer special?  Have you asked for second, third even fourth opinions on the value of the content and if it is appealing.  Depending on the media form of advertising you are using time plays a factor as well as how you represent your offer.  Yes, you can use media wrong.  Not all offers or even industries get the same results across multiple media formats.  If you don’t understand who your clients are, where they frequent or even what their needs are… how can you expect your advertisements to work?
Let’s now look at the Third one;  Blog or Newsletter.  Does it have a purpose?  In what ways if any are you cultivating a network to view it?  If you have a network do you know their needs and are you answering it or just talking for the sake of pushing out content?  Your reason for having a blog or a newsletter will define the content but no matter the content if you are not providing a true value in this world of over saturated advertising venues you will not be followed let alone get any return on your time spent producing your content.
So let’s wrap this up with some value, when you are a member of a professional group, run an advertisement or produce a blog/newsletter the following items should be factored in at all times.
  • Provide real value – don’t create just for the sake of creating
  • Know your target audience and fill a need in the right place at the right time
  • All advertising efforts take time – if you are producing value in the locations your consumers are at it will work
  • Preparation in all things is key, just being seen or just showing up won’t produce any worth while results
  • Get objective opinions (Objective being the operative word) if you ask your friend with no real vested interest they will more than likely tell you what you want to hear versus what you need to hear.
  • Most importantly you get out of anything no more than what you put into it.  If it takes you a few moments to throw something together without investing time, research or money – don’t be surprised when it produces devoid return.
These are just a few of the things in business that I hear professionals say, it’s not working!  So going forward instead of throwing out negative auto responses to empty returns on the ways you market try instead to take a good hard look on your actual investment in it.  Even if you pay to have someone create or design your marketing needs, if you are not taking an active interest in it don’t be surprised if the results are less than spectacular.  It is good to have marketing support or a talented media agent but without your organic contribution to its success your results will be less than what you desire.  After all your customer is there primarily because of you so if you are not involved it will show in the results or the lack of.
Need help with getting real results that increase your profitability?  We’re here for you but the next step is yours…   call, email, stop by it requires action to take the next step!