With technology being what it is today, why do you get the response when unsubscribing from a newsletter that is no longer providing value: "Sorry to see you go, please be patient it might take a few days or weeks before you stop receiving our newsletter"...
And then you start receiving double!
FYI - This is not a good technique to try & salvage what you lost by bombarding them with even more - just a thoughtExample: I was receiving this newsletter (on a side note that I don't recall signing up for) and for the first half a dozen e-newsletters they sent great give-away offers, coupons and even a few good short articles I enjoyed reading. To tell the truth one or two more newsletters and I would have been clicking on the site to see about the cost of the products they were talking about. But before I could act on my interest I started receiving aggressive call to action e-blasts then a few threatening to 'weed' out those that weren't interested.
That brings me to two thoughts I'd like to share:
1 - assumptions without facts
2 - if you want to use a system understand how to work it
If you are trying to generate business which is the basis I would think for using marketing mediums then at least allow the client to make the choice whether to follow or not - subscribe or not - purchase or not. You never know who else might see or get recommended to view your newsletter & it certainly isn't hurting to have the subscriber. But threatening to cancel their subscription is more than likely to create an action saving you the trouble of removing them.
Instead of assuming they are not a value why not try understanding why they are not acting on your offer? This would be the logical next step - understand the marketing tools we use is seriously the key to having a successful marketing campaign. If you are not getting results adapt and change don't use knee jerk reactions to something that just needs a little tweaking or patience.
"Every connection is not always a good client, but understanding that every connection has the potential to be a value to you will help you to look at your efforts and the results in a more productive manner." ~K.Kirkland
Great businesses use the 'quick release' a one click unsubscribe because they understand the value of putting time into generating something worth sharing that their clients will want. Think about it this way if you are providing value the ones that leave aren't in your 'tribe' of potentials anyways. There are plenty that want to receive & will want to keep receiving as long as you provide value. So why hold hostage the one that doesn't?
Have questions? Need help in your marketing efforts to create results that reward you for your time? We'd love to help just reach out when you're ready to accelerate!
Kristi Kirkland
Adding Needed Solutions Working Every Relationship!
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